Open Grant Opportunities

Aboriginal Family Safety Grants

The Department of Communities is offering one-off, two-year grant funding through an Aboriginal Family Safety (AFS) Grants Program to develop and deliver Aboriginal and community-led family safety activities in their region. The grant program will support activities that are designed to prevent or respond to family violence that are aligned to the Aboriginal Family Safety Strategy 2022-2032. Applications for the AFS Grants Program are due to open mid-May 2024. To be eligible to apply for a grant through the program, applicants must be an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation and/or a registered Aboriginal business.

Ongoing Opportunity

Department of Communities

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ANZ Seeds of Renewal

ANZ Seeds of Renewal is a small grants program designed to help build vibrant and sustainable rural communities, to ensure the ongoing prosperity of regional Australia. The program demonstrates ANZ’s ongoing commitment to shape a world where people and communities thrive. It is built on two key tenets: - Vibrant communities are diverse and inclusive with strong social capital, where everyone can participate and build a better life; and - Sustainable communities innovate, expand, and create opportunities that will deliver demonstrable medium to long-term economic benefit to the community, contributing to economic sustainability.

Closes: 1/08/2024


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Be Connected Building Digital Skills

Building Digital Skills grants help organisations to start up and continue delivering their Be Connected digital literacy programs. The aim of the Building Digital Skills grants program is to enable organisations to support older Australians 50+ through free face-to-face contact (if safe to do so), either one-on-one or in small groups, to develop their digital skills and confidence, utilising the learning courses available on the Be Connected Learning site.

Ongoing Opportunity

Good Things Foundation

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Building Digital Skills grant

Building Digital Skills grants of up to $20,500 help organisations to support older Australians 50+ through free digital mentoring sessions. A range of resources and support materials are available to help organisations to deliver this program, including the learning courses available on the Be Connected Learning site.

Closes: 9/08/2024

Good Things

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Community Capacity Building

Grants of up to $5,000 are available for capacity building initiatives aimed to strengthen the skills and abilities of CaLD communities to take leading roles in the development of their community. These initiatives respond to specific needs and issues identified by the community. Activities that may be supported by a Community Capacity Building grant include, but are not limited to: - participation in established community based activities - development of community capacity building activities - skills development and training activities - development of organisational governance and operational planning activities.

Ongoing Opportunity

Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI)

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Community Gardens Grants Program

Community organisations and local government authorities are invited to apply for grants of up to $10,000 per project, which can be used on a wide range of garden-related items and services; from plants, seedlings, and fertiliser to planning, design, and training services.

Closes: 21/08/2024

Department of Communities

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Community Led Climate Solutions

The Community Led Climate Solutions grant program supports remote, rural and regional communities to act locally to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help address the impacts of climate change for positive and sustainable environmental, social and economic outcomes.

Closes: 12/09/2024


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Digital Sisters grant

Digital Sisters is a program to build digital skills and confidence of refugee and migrant women. Good Things have already supported more than 800 women with the essential skills required to connect with the community and access the workforce. A $10,000 grant will be available for community organisations so they can support women to feel confident and more connected with technology.

Closes: 2/08/2024

Good Things

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Driving Access and Equity grants

Grants are available to eligible community-based organisations for initiatives that improve access to suitable driving services, instructors and vehicles. Grant applications are now open for organisations servicing the following regions: - Gascoyne - Goldfields – Esperance - Great Southern - Kimberley - Mid West - Pilbara - South West

Closes: 16/08/2024

Department of Transport

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Employment Assistance Fund (EAF)

The EAF gives financial help to eligible people with disability and mental health conditions and employers to buy work related modifications, equipment, Auslan services and workplace assistance and support services. The EAF could help to buy work related modifications and services like: - the cost of making adjustments to your physical workplace - modifications to work vehicles - special equipment for the workplace* - information and communication devices* - Auslan interpreting services - specialist services for employees with specific learning disorders and mental health conditions - disability awareness training for the workplace (including deafness awareness) - mental health awareness and first aid training.

Ongoing Opportunity

Department of Social Services

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Get Online Week event grant

A $1,000 grant is available for community organisations so they can host a free event in their community and help people learn digital skills. Get Online Week supported more than 23,000 people last year. 100% of last year 's event holders said Get Online Week was beneficial to their communities. 90% said it helped their communities to socially connect.

Closes: 9/08/2024

Good Things

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Healthway Healthy Communities Program

The Healthy Communities Program funds a range of health promotion activities and campaigns to promote and encourage healthy lifestyles for all Western Australians. Applications for innovative, sustainable health promotion projects that reach target groups outlined in the strategic plan are strongly encouraged.  Objectives: - Fund activities related to the promotion of good health in general and aligned with our strategic priorities and population groups - Support projects that aim to increase individual knowledge and skills, change behaviour, and create community and organisational policies and environments to improve health.

Ongoing Opportunity


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IOOF Foundation Community Grants

The IOOF Foundation provides grants that support Australian not-for-profit organisations working with disadvantaged families, children and youth. Initial general grants are on average $75,000, and there are also grants ranging from $10,000 - $150,000.

Ongoing Opportunity

IOOF Foundation

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Lotterywest Community Investment Framework

Lotterywest has developed a Community Investment Framework to support their vision of ‘Building a better WA together’ and to strengthen the impact achieved with the grants supported by Lotterywest and Healthway. The Community Investment Framework priority areas are: - Active Healthy People: Assisting the community to be more active and support initiatives which promote healthy lives - Protected Sustainable Ecosystems: Supporting the community to sustain and enhance our unique species and environments - Inclusive Thriving Community: Supporting the diversity of Western Australians to actively engage in community life - Connected Cultural Experiences: Bringing people together through the arts, heritage and cultural activities - Smart Innovative Society: Optimising the community’s talent and capability Lotterwest's grant investment streams are: - Grassroots and community initiatives: to help build stronger and healthier communities by supporting local activities and regional community initiatives - Developing solutions: to assist the development of solutions that will have a greater community impact - Community legacy: to invest in collaborative initiatives that will make lasting and significant change for the community

Ongoing Opportunity


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Maker Projects - Community STEM Engagement grants 2024

The Maker Projects - Community STEM Engagement grants 2024 provides grants for fostering inquiry-based learning and the development of STEM skills in students and youth under 18 years of age in design, engineering and programming, through hands-on learning.

Closes: 14/08/2024

Department of Industry, Science and Resources

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Next Gen Arts Grants

Grants of up to $3,000 are available to cover the cost of artist fees and/or travel costs, for arts activities commencing after 1 October 2024. The grant will fund activities designed for and/or by young people aged 12-18, for example as part of a school holiday program or an after school/weekend workshop series. These activities could include art workshops, masterclasses, community events, or productions across any artform. Activities must be competed by 30 June 2025.

Closes: 5/09/2024

Regional Arts WA

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Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants Program

Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants is a small grants program aiming to contribute to the success, vibrancy and wellbeing of rural and regional communities nationwide. Nutrien Ag Solutions seeks to support local grassroots organisations with funding for projects that are meaningful for their communities.

Closes: 8/08/2024

FRRR and Nutrien Ag Solutions

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Pay it Forward Grants

Pay it Forward grants are aimed at peer support groups and projects that focus on improving mental health and social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) outcomes for group members and the wider community, to provide tools to increase group recognition and membership, and to improve mental health literacy contributing to reduced stigma and strengthened interventions. Funding of up to $10,000 is available to ConnectGroup members whose projects demonstrate: • prevention, early intervention and or recovery initiatives for support group members and/ or the community • promotion of positive mental health/SEWB • building mental health literacy for support groups members and/or the community • building support group capacity (growth and expansion) • contributes to support group sustainability (long-term running)

Closes: 27/08/2024


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Rio Tinto Community Giving program

The Community Giving program invites local grass-roots organisations to apply for up to $5,000 to support Western Australian communities where Rio Tinto operate and have an impact, including across the Pilbara region, Perth, Great Southern, Mid West, South West, Broome and Derby.

Ongoing Opportunity

Rio Tinto

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Scanlon Foundation Community Grants

The Scanlon Foundation provides support to organisations working to improve Australia’s social cohesion in areas where there is the greatest need. Foundation’s local investments. These grants focus on two areas that are consistently raised by the community as particular areas of need: employment and literacy. In both areas the Foundation welcomes innovative approaches. Organisations can apply for a maximum amount of $30,000 for their project. DGR status is required (Linkwest members are eligible to apply through the ANHCA Public Fund).

Closes: 30/08/2024

Scanlon Foundation

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Social enterprise capability building grants

Social Enterprise Development Initiative (SEDI) Grants help social enterprises, including trading Indigenous owned or controlled organisations with a defined social benefit, grow their business, scale their impact and further their missions of creating positive social change. The grants, valued at up to $120,000 each, are targeted towards supporting social enterprises to be more effective and efficient in demonstrating and increasing social impact for the people and communities they exist to support.

Ongoing Opportunity

Social Enterprise Development Initiative - Department of Social Services

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Strategic Projects - Community Grants Program

Funding up to $30,000 is available for capacity building projects that benefit CaLD communities such as those from new and emerging communities, women, seniors, young people and regional communities. Projects may relate, but are not limited, to the following focus areas: - family and domestic violence prevention - parenting - employment and skills development - leadership - financial literacy - health and wellbeing - support for regional communities.

Ongoing Opportunity

Office of Multicultural Interests (WA)

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Strengthening Rural Communities: Small and Vital Grants

Small and Vital grants are all about meeting an immediate small scale need within a community, or for giving a boost to a larger initiative. The Small and Vital grants provide funds of up to $10,000 for broad initiatives that strengthen local people, places, and climate solutions with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000). Applications are accepted year round and awarded quarterly.

Ongoing Opportunity

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)

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Supporting Children in ECEC WA Grant Program

The Supporting Children in ECEC WA Grants Program is designed to assist the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector in securing funding for initiatives that are dedicated to improving outcomes for children. Specifically, this Grants Program provides funding for ECEC settings in line with the objectives of the PRA to facilitate children’s early learning and development and support their transition to school. Grants are available from $20,000 to $100,000.

Closes: 14/08/2024

Department of Education, Child Australia

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WasteSorted Community Education Grants

WasteSorted Community Education Grants provide funding of up to $25,000 per project to improve waste behaviour in ways that support the aims of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (waste strategy). The waste strategy outlines objectives to avoid waste, recover more value and resources from waste, and protect the environment. Integral to this is supporting behaviour change work through communication, education and the development of better practice systems and processes.

Closes: 19/08/2024

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

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Women’s Grants for a Stronger Future

In 2024-25, the Women’s Grants for a Stronger Future program will support initiatives that align with the priority areas of Stronger Together: WA's Plan for Gender Equality (Stronger Together). The priority areas are health and well-being, safety and justice, women's economic independence and women in leadership.

Closes: 16/08/2024

Department of Communities

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Youth Week WA 2025 Grants Program

The Youth Week WA Grants Program supports organisations to host events during Youth Week (10 to 17 April 2025) that encourages and empowers young people to thrive and achieve their best. Grants of up to $1,500 are available for eligible organisations to deliver a range of projects including (but not limited to) festivals, events, forums, workshops, seminars and talks contributing to the celebration of Youth Week WA 2025. Grants of up to $3,000 are available for community-wide events, delivered through collaborative community partnerships that are actively involved in the planning and delivery of the project.

Closes: 6/08/2024

Department of Communities

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Some of these grant opportunities may require Deductible Grant Recipient (DGR) status.

No DGR taxation status? No worries!
The ANHCA Public Fund for DGR has been set up specifically to assist eligible Neighbourhood Houses and Centres receive tax-deductible donations from individuals and businesses and to apply for project funding from philanthropic trusts and foundations. For further information visit the ANHCA website or give one of the team at Linkwest a call.

Can't see the grant you are looking for? 
Check our Closed Grant Opportunities page as the deadline for application may have passed.